If you have been thinking about publishing your novel, your poetry or your family stories, or if you have knowledge that you want to share with your community, we are your best option.
We ensure that the content of each publication communicates a clear message to improve marketing and reach audiences effectively.
Among other products, we offer layout services for books, magazines, and art catalogues in digital or physical versions.
- Commercial and Business Magazines
- Newsletters
- PowerPoint presentations
- Manuals
- Intercambios, the Newsletter of the Spanish Language Division of the American Translators Association
- Horizontum, a Mexican financial and cultural magazine
Independent Authors
- The Power of a Dream/El poder de un sueño (Herbalife)
- Diccionario celestes realidades
- El viaje al interior
- Trascender
- Un peregrino al desnudo
- El artesano de la felicidad
- Parteaguas
- Neoliberalismo en México
- Estrategia y conflicto político